Reciprocal Membership Agreements Between Mexican Herpetological Societies and SSAR
We are very pleased to announce formation of two membership agreements between the SSAR and the Sociedad Herpetológica Mexicana (SHM) and between SSAR and the Asociacíon para la Investigacíon y Conservación de los Anfibios y Reptiles A.C. (AICAR).
Members of SSAR may join SHM for the discounted fee of $40 ($29 for students) per year. Likewise, SSAR members may join AICAR at the discounted rate of $25 ($20 student) for a two-year membership.
We urge you to take advantage of these opportunities to expand your engagement in Herpetology and support societies that promote the study and conservation of amphibians and reptiles.
Regular Member – $120.00 (USD) Regular Members receive online access to the Journal of Herpetology and in print and online access to Herpetological Review. In addition, Regular Members have voting privileges, receive special prepublication discount offers on SSAR books, and a 10% discount on all SSAR publications. See below for online only membership options.
Regular Member – Online Only – $110.00 (USD) Matches Regular Membership and receives online access to the Journal of Herpetology and Herpetological Review.
Student Member – $65.00 (USD) These members receive all benefits of Regular Membership, but at a reduced rate.
Student Member – Online Only – $60.00 (USD) Matches Student Membership but receives online access to the Journal of Herpetology and Herpetological Review.
Early Career/Transitional Member (post-doc, new job) - $75.00 (USD) These members receive all benefits of Regular Membership, but at a reduced rate. This category may be used by any member for up to 4 times.
Senior Member, over 70 years old – $75.00 (USD) Senior Members receive all the benefits of Regular Membership. Must be 70 years old or older.
Senior Member, over 70 yrs old – Online Only – $75.00 (USD) Matches Senior Membership but receives online access to the Journal of Herpetology and Herpetological Review.
Sustaining Member – $150.00 (USD) Sustaining members have all the benefits of Regular membership and provide extra support to SSAR.
Sustaining Member- Online Only – $150.00 (USD) Matches Sustaining Membership but receives online access to the Journal of Herpetology and Herpetological Review.
Associate Member – $85.00 (USD) Receives Herpetological Review in print and online. However, Associate members do not receive pre-publication discounts, discounts on publications, and do not have voting privileges in SSAR elections.
Associate Member- Online Only – $70.00 (USD) Matches Associate Membership but receives access to Herpetological Review online.
Zoo Keeper Member – $55.00 (USD) Zoo Keeper Members receive online access to the Journal of Herpetology and print and online access to Herpetological Review. In addition, these Members have voting privileges, receive special prepublication discount offers on SSAR books, and a 10% discount on all SSAR publications. Available to zoo and zoo-related employees whose positions are below that of curator and veterinarian-type positions.
Zoo Keeper Member – Online Only – $50.00 (USD) Matches Zoo Keeper Membership, but receives online access to the Journal of Herpetology and Herpetological Review.
2nd Family member – $35.00 (USD) Second Family members, living in the same household as another SSAR member, receive all the benefits of Regular membership, but without an additional hard-copy of Herpetological Review. To utilize this category, one family member should register as a member of SSAR and the second family member should select this membership.
Life Member – $2,750 (USD) Membership period: Unlimited. Life Members receive all benefits of Regular Membership, including voting and all publication discounts, but without the need to annually renew. Add a 2nd Family Member for Life: $875 (USD).
Non-Membership Subscriptions:
Institutional Herpetological Review Subscription – $125.00 (USD) Regular Institutional Herpetological Review subscriptions receive online access to Herpetological Review (4 issues/year).
Regular Institutional Subscription – $245.00 (USD) Regular Institutional subscriptions receive online access to the Journal of Herpetology and Herpetological Review (4 issues/year).